Sunday, July 6, 2008

History of Chef's Hat

I've seen fewer and fewer chefs wearing the traditional chef's hat (toque blanche). I still had to wonder why anyone started wearing it at all. I found the answer on Chef Talk. During the 16th century, "artisans of all types (including chefs) were often imprisoned, or even executed, because of their freethinking. To alleviate persecution, some chefs sought refuge in the Orthodox Church and hid amongst the priests of the monasteries. There they wore the same clothes as the priests-including their tall hats and long robes." At that time, however, the chefs' clothes were gray.

In the mid 1800's, the uniforms were redesigned by chef Marie-Antoine CarĂªme. He made them white to represent the cleanliness of the kitchen. He also came up with the idea that hat height would represent status in the kitchen. His was said to be 18 inches tall. Chef Talk also explains that "the folded pleats of a toque, which later became an established characteristic of the chef's hat, were first said to have been added to indicate the more than 100 ways in which a chef can cook an egg."

As you can see on my picture profile, my chef's hat is not that tall YET, but soon, my hat will be more than 18 inches, hahaha, hope so

1 comment:

Amatouch said...

Hi thanks for your blog - It's excellent - One question do you know any philpinos restaurant in Dublin? There is a good vegan lunch box you might be interested in -

All the best;-)